BHB GmbH Projektmanagement, is an integral management and project developer for international business, marketing and technical projects in Europe, Asia and Sub Sahara Africa. Our focus is to give support and guide private and public companies, enterpreneurs and institutions from the project idea to final implementation.
Long time experience
In more than 25 years BHB has developed a wide range of services, constantly growing, covering areas such as: technical assistance and research for solutions; strategic consulting to companies, public and private institutions; training, institutional strengthening and international project management. Our multidisciplinary team made up of consultants and international experts are motivated and fully involved in each project and committed to the excellence in the project implementation.
International contacts
Our consultant and experts are internationally connected and have mostly private and cultural relations in the country of work. Through their work, we ensure that culture in its broadest sense plays a vital role in connecting with and understanding each other. In these ways, BHB has build links between there clients and their partners to create trust and lay foundations for prosperity.